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Eye Protection

Our established range of PlasmaSAFE protective glasses are available in either Greenfor the recommended eye protection whilst plasma cutting, or in

Cobalt Blue, for all gas flux brazing and aluminium welding applications.

PlasmaSAFE Shade 5 Cobalt Blue Safety Glasses

PlasmaSAFE Shade 5 Cobalt Blue Safety Glasses

PlasmaSAFE Cobalt blue shade 5 for Gasflux brazing and Aluminium welding. PlasmaSAFE Cobalt Blue gl..
PlasmaSAFE Shade 5 Green Safety Glasses

PlasmaSAFE Shade 5 Green Safety Glasses

PlasmaSAFE, UV protection plasma cutting glasses with shade 5 lense for low amperage plasma cutting...
PlasmaSAFE Shade 5 Large Cobalt Blue Safety Glasses

PlasmaSAFE Shade 5 Large Cobalt Blue Safety Glasses..

PlasmaSAFE Cobalt blue, shade 5 large (fitting over most perscription glasses) for Gasflux brazing a..
PlasmaSAFE Shade 8 Flip-Up Glasses

PlasmaSAFE Shade 8 Flip-Up Glasses

Classic flip-up style safety glasses offering versatility for a variety of environments. Perfect for..
PlasmaSAFE Shade 8 Green Clip-on Safety Glasses

PlasmaSAFE Shade 8 Green Clip-on Safety Glasses

PlasmaSAFE, Clip-on Shade 8 UV protection plasma cutting glasses Plasma cutting, just like all weld..
PlasmaSAFE Shade 8 Green Safety Glasses

PlasmaSAFE Shade 8 Green Safety Glasses

PlasmaSAFE, UV protection plasma cutting glasses with shade 8 lens for plasma cutting over 100amps ..
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)