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Understanding Shade Numbers

The shade number of a lens indicates the level of darkness provided, which correlates to the protection offered against radiant energy during welding and cutting activities. Choosing the right shade number is vital to protect your eyes while allowing clear visibility of the workpiece. For plasma cutting steel, the recommended shade number varies depending on the amperage:

Below 20 Amps

Shade number 4

20 to 40 Amps

Shade number 5

40 to 60 Amps

Shade number 6

60 to 80 Amps

Shade number 8

Above 80 Amps

Shade number 10

These guidelines ensure that operators use a lens dark enough to prevent eye strain and damage, yet light enough to see the work clearly.

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PlasmaSAFE Shade 5 Green Safety Glasses

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PlasmaSAFE Shade 8 Flip-Up Glasses

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PlasmaSAFE Shade 8 Green Clip-on Safety Glasses

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PlasmaSAFE Shade 8 Green Safety Glasses

PlasmaSAFE Shade 8 Green Safety Glasses

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